Sunday, August 06, 2006

So fathers, be good to your daughters, Daughters will love like you do*

..On behalf of every man
looking out for every girl
You are the guide and the weight of her world.*

My brother is back in Hong Kong now. He calls me and tells me of a hiking trip he, his wife and little girl recently took. He said they came up on some pristine waterfalls and he just had to get in with Marina.

Marina is so blessed to have my brother as a father. He loves her like she was about to walk away. Every decision he makes involves her well being in mind. I love him for that and want to tell him that from a daughter, this means the world.

My father was not this way. Maybe thats why I notice Daddies and Daughters. I remember sitting around living rooms where people talked, with me close by, about how sad it was that my brothers didn't have a father in their lives. I wanted so much to say say I don't understand it, but I am pretty sure its just as important for me to have him in my life. I know my own Father didn't get this.

Someone asked me the other day if my Dad being absent affected my view of God as my Father. Yes, for many years it clouded the face of my father in heaven. But then I noticed and read about how He loves me. I found a new love and this has redeemed me. My own Father, I forgave, as of just within the last few months, and my new Father well..I accept His embrace, smiling....

*From "Daughters" by John Mayer

10 comment(s):

Luther had a TERRIBLE time praying to God as his Father. My dad did as well. My knees shake when I think how precious a gift my dad has been in my life (and in my sisters' life).

But God IS the real father.

By Blogger Scott, at 8:28 PM  

This is one of my favorite songs ever, Beverly. The lyrics are so beautifully written, I think.

So, is this post. I am thankful that you found a place of forgiveness and are resting there; I can only imagine how difficult the process was...

It was not until I was older that I began contemplating the role of fathers in the lives of their girls. Sometimes, it is just overwhelming to me to think of the impact, either postively or negatively. It makes me so grateful that my girls have such a loving father.

By Blogger Laurie, at 5:34 AM  

Good for you brother.

By Blogger happytheman, at 8:42 AM  

Very cool. I think I may be back and into the swing of things again now. May be another day or two before a new post goes up but I just HAVE to get caught up on my reading and commenting first.

By Blogger Demosthenes, at 1:02 PM  

just a note about that song... i do like the general message about girls needing fathers, but i disagree with the line, "boys will be strong and boys soldier on..." because it implies that boys handle it unscathed without fathers and that is definitely not true. boys love like their fathers, too.

By Blogger laura g, at 9:51 PM  

Scott...I had the amazing opportunity to study some Luther in a Western Civ. class at ACU..Yes, I know what you are talking about. Have you seen Luther, the movie? Rent it buddy, its so good and really stays true to history.

By Blogger Beverly, at 7:42 AM  

Laurie...I got to see John Mayer sing this at Bryant Park in New York City in the pouring rain. It was thundering and lightning and I was in the front standing on giant cables! My daughter, Niece and I just decided what a way to go if we were going to get struck by lightning! would love my guys could really share some stories..'re back!

Laura G...I know what you mean and that bothers me a bit too. I guess he is so focused, in his writing, about how important that daughter/father relationship is that his focus was not on guys. For so long its been about boys and I think he is really trying to make a point here, but you are exactly right! (btw..just so honored you stopped by)

By Blogger Beverly, at 7:48 AM  

there is no gold at the end of the rainbow but there is a promise

By Blogger Clint, at 9:11 AM  

I agree. I believe that one of the most essential things we can do as Christians is develop a theology--who we think God is. Unfortunately, that can be clouded by rough experiences growing up, such as not growing up with a loving father and thus being incapable of understanding God as our all-powerful loving Heavenly Father. My prayer for my own life is that I can be a loving father for my children that shows them a little of not just what love is, but who God is by the love I show them.

By the way, thanks for posting on my sister's blog. It means a lot to me that she's getting encouragement from others through her blog

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:17 PM true..holding on to that promise!

Jeremiah...dude..we need to meet..yes, you love your babies when you have them..!!!
As for your happy to end up there..shes a cutie and is crazy about you it seems!

By Blogger Beverly, at 12:42 PM  

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