There's a yellow moon above me, mama Shinin' on the one I love,mama*

Sam and I are in the van driving along when he interrupts me and says, "Hey, Mom, check out that moon..." It was beautiful. Sam and I drank in its beauty. How I love times like these. First, that my teenage son notices something other than what he needs (we got a selfish teenage attitude going lately) but that he wants me to share in the moment with him. Sometimes, the most powerful golden memories only last for one moment....but, I will always remember this one...
Did you see the moon last night?....Do you enjoy it more when someone is with you or just by yourself?
I'll be looking at the moon tonight if you want to join me..:)
*From "Burn That Candle" by Emmylou Harris
16 comment(s):
"I'll be looking at the moon...but I'll be seeing you..."
Yes, I saw the moon last night. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this moment Bev!
Katie, at
8:08 AM
Hey Bev- Thanks for your prayers. Lauren and Clint are both doing well. They are at the church with all the kids so they will have some long term follow up-as will I but from afar. Everyone I've talked to is good. I hope things are going well for you. I think about you and sam often and say a little prayer! Have a great summer!
Mandy, at
1:34 PM
Yeah, it's SO great to share the moon with someone - you've got so much to be proud of in that boy.
No moon here last night - too cloudy - but it still cast the most REMARKABLE glow on the ocean. And you shoulda HEARD the waves.
Scott, at
5:32 PM
I was driving home from a Sweet Adelines rehearsal Tuesday night and the gal I was driving with, said,"Look at that full moon" Isn't it beautiful" Sometimes we get the most beautiful sunsets here in Tucson.
Vonnie, at
7:03 PM
I saw the moon and it was beautiful. I shared it with my friends then again tonight it was beautiful and i shared it with the guy i'm dating.
i saw Sam last night. he was so sweet. can't wait until camp to hang out with those boys.
Katie, at
11:33 PM
I missed it. Dang it. But I'll be looking tonight.
Candy, at
4:48 AM are precious.. glad you guys are all you incredible that must be to go out at anytime and hear the waves and see the moon hanging over the ocean...
vonnie..wait a you sing with the sweet
katie..hold up wait a minute..what guy you are dating?..nobody passed this by me...are you going to work crossover? sarah want me to be a leader..
Candy..I'll be looking with you!
Beverly, at
6:19 AM
Your blog found its way to my computer screen through a comment you made at Deb's kibbelznbits blog. Sure glad that it did. Have only had an opportunity to read a few of your posts, but have found them to be very uplifting.
Your comment about the ocean is precisely my experience. I tell people that I found God while sitting on a beach near La Jolla, California. Well, actually, that’s where God “found” me. It all started when I would sit on the beach and watch the sun slip over the horizon. As evening grew into night and the sounds of the day gave way to the “sounds or silence”, I could hear God speaking to me saying over and over again, “I am here. My power is great. I am here.” Thanks for the reminder!
God bless you,
Bill Williams, at
8:16 AM
wait, there was a moon out last night?
Frustrated Writer, at
8:43 AM
bill...welcome!...yep i have climbed mts..crossed deserts...but the ocean is it for me too!
Frustrated...yeah, just look up buddy..its that big thing in the sky..usually lit up..
Beverly, at
9:02 AM
oh wow - I definitely noticed that moon up here and I was ALSO enornously glad to share it with someone special. How funny that this post reflects almost exactly the same thoughts I had! I knew there was a reason I kept coming back here! :)
Demosthenes, at
9:34 AM
well..demo..where have you been boy?!
and who did you share it with???
Beverly, at
10:21 AM
Yes Bev I sing with Tucson Desert Harmony. We came in second at our last regional competiton. I sing Bass.
Vonnie, at
3:33 PM, girl!!!
Beverly, at
4:25 PM
I saw the moon ... but it was raining where I was.
Yes, it is those little moments that make such happy memories!
Ava, at
8:21 PM
I was leaving Shakespeare Strike about 12:30 am on Saturday night, and TJ pointed out the moon to me. I too had a sweet experience with my guy and the moon.... Thank you God for providing beauty for all of us to share.
Kate Eason, at
11:49 AM
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