By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there he went for he remembered Zion*
Jeremiah 31:4I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful.
I was reading this in church on sunday...Beverly gets a little antsy during the sit still times...and I really loved this verse. Will you excuse me if I take I happen to take it out of context? I am not a biblical scholar, so I may do that very thing.
You know, being torn down really stinks but, being rebuilt is an awesome experience....
This is my verse for now...I am being rebuilt and I am so excited about all that the Lord will teach me about myself and others..
Been there?
*From "Rivers of Babylon" by Linda Ronstadt
16 comment(s):
The sermon at Mars Hill on Sunday was on that verse! Rob Bell was talking about the cycle that Isreal went through of drawing close to God and then forgetting about Him and ending up in captivity. Among other things, he pointed out some parallels to how we should live. Very interesting.
But, I like your usage, too. It does seem to me that God uses the "tearing downs" in our lives to rebuild us better.
reJoyce, at
10:21 AM
You brought out the VERY context of that verse - so I guess since you treated the text in its context, that necessarily DISQUALIFIES you to be a biblical scholar.
But yes - you're right - out from the rubble, from the struggle, from the heartache, comes a new day of celebration. I hope that happens for you - really soon - because you've been through enough rubble and tearing down.
Scott, at
12:16 PM
Oh yes... been there and that is an excellent verse. I'm glad you shared because it's exactly what I needed to hear today!! *sending hugs*
rambouillet, at
3:11 PM
I love you ram......!!!!
Beverly, at
3:16 PM
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Beverly, at
3:16 PM
Tagging on to what Scott said, does Baghdad resonate? ;)
Rebuilding is a long process. I pray for you patience while you go through this. It is wonderful, and we all experience our rebuilds differently, I suppose.
I have been there, and what was painful about the process for me was that it seemed others were still judging the rabble and tearing down stages of my life. Their failure to see the possiblities and stick around for the rebuild works was yet another disappointment. It sounds like you have a great support system in place, though. Like Scott, I wish you a quick succession to the celebration of new things in your life.
Guess it's nest to remember that it is the Lord who will be the carpenter and project manager of the new construction, and not depend on the fickleness of others who become impatient or sceptical of the new creature we become.
You will do so well -- you are such a beauty of a phoenix! :)
Deb, at
3:19 PM
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Shawna, at
4:51 PM
There are no coincidences ...
You chose the book of Jeremiah, one day I will have to tell you the story of Jeremiah and how He came to be part of my life.
Yes, I've been there before, it is a familiar place.
Stick around until the miracle opccurs they tell us ...
Anonymous, at
9:22 PM
Anonymous, at
9:22 PM
joyce....i am so excited to be rebuilt
scott...haha..good to know..thanks scott
ram....girl hugs your way and I have missed you
deb...wait rebuilding is a long process?! you know how much it means to me that you have come to visit?...I think you might...I would love to hear the story and wish we could do lunch!..I will stick you, friend!
Beverly, at
1:33 AM
We gotta get some tambourines.
Candy, at
8:57 AM
I agree with you, Bev. Being rebuilt is amazing.
Can I join the tambourine line?
Katie, at
9:12 AM
Tambourines for everyone!
Beverly, at
9:15 AM
I wasnt sure about that last comment, I mean, to post it or not, it was so I did post it anyways.
I wish I knew how to contact you outside this format. Hang in there, leaving is difficult.
The last relationship I had was with another (crazy) but he threatened to kill me and beat me up severely, kicking in my face till I was black and blue, he fractured both my eye sockets and I was badly black and blue, he put a butcher knife to my throat and came close to killing me.
I called the cops, the cops came and told me that I could only take what I could carry and that I was leaving, I was in the midwest then. Everything else was lost. I had to rebuild with 2 duffle bags, my backpack and my BIBLE.
That's all I had to my name at that point. I never called or went back for the leftovers, I just couldn't, so everything I had collected memories, trinkets and family heirlooms were GONE. I've never attempted to retrieve them.
They (the cops) took me to the bus, and sent me off to a friend who sent me a bus ticket, from Sioux City, I was housed in a safe house where HE could not find me while I healed and returned to normal.
That was June 2000...
A month later I was able to look myself in the mirror and recognize who I was. I returned to Miami to live with friends while I found a place to live. I was afraid of my own shadow, became agoraphobic, but I found a counselor who helped me immensely - to Take Back My Life - she was a woman, fancy that!! I did.
Alot of therapy, Then I got sober in 2001, I guess I had a reason to drink heavily after that. I've not shared this truth with anyone in a long time, because it messes with my head, that I was that insane even then.
Leaving might cost you, but your life is worth more than the things we collect over time. Your sanity and your faith need to be safeguarded, or what else is there to live for?
One day at a time Angel Girl...
One minute at a time if you have to.
Stay in your day and every day ask yourself 3 questions...
1. Is there a roof over my head
2. Is there food in my belly
3. Do I have a comfy bed to sleep in
If you answer yes to these, then you have everything you need for the day.
Know you are loved, see I've been here too. And I Lived to tell the story to you...some years later.
Anonymous, at
12:44 PM
Jeremy..good advice...thank you and how nice to know I have yet another amazing friend. The three questions..I love that..I am just so sorry for your pain...
Beverly, at
2:44 PM
Uh-oh, Jeremy - It suddenly occurs to me that having commented at a blog elsewhere in my sphere, you are now a PART of the sphere whether you wanted to be or not ;-)
Scott, at
4:37 PM
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