Listen to your heart*
I was just thinking today about how much faith it would take for someone to convince me that there isn't a God. Is it me or is it just incredibly easy to believe in a God when you experience life and love and people...?I was thinking about the good it feels to love and how painful it is to be hurt! My heart is moved by lots of things .....looking at my daughter..missing her as she is in Thailand...looking at my son and his dog "Jett" as they sleep...watching children play...sitting in the Gilbert's living room surrounded by my small group...sitting with my Mom as she fills my heart with wisdom...watching my brother play with his little girl...sitting on a blanket, in the park, watching a little girl feed a duck...looking to a cross and seeing a man who I desperately want to be like..
What moves your heart?
*From "Listen to Your Heart" by Roxette
11 comment(s): sweet...I love it..and we love that you are in our little blogging family!!!
Beverly, at
12:21 PM
My heart is moved when big ol' Max calls me "mommy" and when we have deep heart issue talks, when I look over to see Geoff looking at me, definitely creation, when I read or experience something someone has written or created from their heart, Molly the big white dog's eyes, friends.
Candy, at
1:30 PM
The world moves my heart ...
clouds ... the moon ... sunsets and sunrises ... my children ... my husband ... family ... nature ... music ... friends ...
Ava, at
2:05 PM
There is a lot of music that moves my heart. (Some that makes me want to run out of the room screaming, too, but that's a different subject.)
I love watching my teens enjoy each other and laugh together. I thrills me when they help each other. And, I love it when they help me without me having to ask.
Sunshine and flowers. Watching snow fall late at night. The smell of the ocean.
Playing Scrabble with my husband. (And other things that one does with one's husband that should not be mentioned on a G rated blog.)
Thinking about all the things that are wonderful in this world.
reJoyce, at
2:59 PM
Yeah, this one's really close to my heart, Beverly. I have never been able to imagine a world without Him. When I am driven to my knees thanking Him for the good He has given me, it's hard to contemplate whether He is there.
And Sage, you da bomb, man. I love reading that comment while your avatar is staring me down - FUNNY! I think it's awesome that you've someone you love to hear laughing.
Scott, at
3:19 PM
Listen to your heart...nice title for this post. Our heart is designed by God...amazing to consider! And he loves it when we feel deeply with our hearts!! Family and loved ones make it so easy to feel God!! I'm so blessed to have my son!
Danielle, at
10:30 PM, max, Geoff, Molly , friends..I love it..and that I get to be a part of that mix, well, priceless..
ava...beautiful..I love these mentions of husbands and wives so sweet.
rejoyce...hmmm...does scrabble lead to some fun stuff?
scott...a world without hard to think about..and sage is just precious..I loved that too..cause laughter is beautiful
danielle...boy you are in the I love my son club with me and Candy..those little stinky gross animals carve a way into your heart that is like none other..glad your popping in lately..
Beverly, at
9:37 AM
Man, you guys are SAPPY!
Shawna, at
12:47 PM
Plankton...hahahaha yes we are!!
Beverly, at
4:05 PM
compassionate people move my heart. Those folks who touch others less fortunate than themselves. that moves my heart
Frustrated Writer, at
7:28 PM too! I think its great that you work with those kids who are missing some things they so deserve!
Beverly, at
12:59 PM
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