There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there ..

BONAPARTE, Iowa - A 22-year-old man has been charged with murdering his parents and three teenage sisters at their home in southeastern Iowa, a sheriff's office said Sunday.
Now, some would say it wasn't the gun that killed this family..some would say he could have used a slingshot...somehow I think he would have been stopped...his mission unfolded quickly and precisely using a gun..
nuff said...;) (love you Sage..just disagree)
*From "For What Its Worth" by Stephen Stills
14 comment(s):
i HATE nails!
Clint, at
8:42 AM
Yep. I will never have a gun in my home.
Anonymous, at
11:02 AM
We'll turn you into a freakin' liberal yet, Beverly!
Scott, at
11:36 AM
clint..yeah, me too, especially those press on ones! neither!
scott..what the heck is a liberal?
discom..oh my word..the worst..the boys burned popcorn in the microwave and my house reeked for days!
Beverly, at
1:34 PM
i was referring to the nails that held Jesus to the cross and therefore killed him.
Clint, at
2:22 PM
Beverly, at
3:39 PM
a two year old can KILL with a doesn't take much to pull a DOES take alot (in the mind) to get to the point of pulling a can u DO THAT to your family??!!!
Dina, at
5:51 PM
Beverly, at
6:21 PM
I'm with ya on this one.
Candy, at
5:10 AM
sage..just referring to your brick post...
Beverly, at
3:56 PM
I don't own a gun. But I support gun ownership. Guns are completely illegal in the City of Chicago, no one can own a gun.
Hundreds of murders are committed by guns in Chicago every year, and thousands of crimes are committed with guns.
Outlawing guns ignores one basic flaw in that line of thinking. The people using guns for crime are committing crimes far worse than a citation for illegal gun ownership. A person who has decided it is time to rob the local drug store with a gun is unlikely to be concerned about the additional charge of illegal possession of a weapon.
But the honest shop owner IS concerned about being caught with an illegal gun, so he obeys the law.
The result? The criminal has the upper hand against a defenseless shop owner, and he knows it.
The stats have been twisted every way to Sunday in Chicago. But they can only be bent so far. Gun crimes have not gone down a wink since guns were outlawed in the City of Chicago.
Gun control doesn't work. It simply renders defenseless those who choose to obey the law, leaving them targets for those who do not.
Jim V, at
4:13 AM
I don't like guns myself. That being said, I fully support our right as U.S. citizens to own and use firearms.
My husband and father in law teach firearms safety in the Game and Fish department as volunteers. They were raised hunting, and fishing, and camping and all that fun stuff. My FIL has a refrigerator sized gun safe full of various firearms. He and my husband reload too.
We as a family have gone out numerous times to the shooting range WITH the kids. They have all shot the guns and know not to touch one if they see it laying around.
We are teaching our children firearms safety so that if they ever are in a situation where there is a gun around, they will know how to: A) use it properly B) disarm it without accidentally shooting someone and C) defend themselves later on if they need to.
Again, I don't like guns and the harm that they cause when children find them and have not been taught. Or when people wield them as a use of brute force to get their way.
I plan on getting a CCW when I can get enough money to take the class. I want that protection for myself as a woman and a mother of 5 kids. There are too many women getting attacked. I will not be a victim of an attacker for any reason.
We have the right to have weapons and I have 2 in my home right now. They are up where the little ones can't find them, but I know where it is, and my oldest daughter knows where it is. She also knows how to use it. So if you're a burglar coming to my house, BEWARE!! We are armed.
Shaylondon, at
3:37 PM
hmm, I only have 21 of them. I fear for my life from them constantly as I know they will one day sneak in during the night, load themselves, and shoot me. Okay, I understand your fear and respectfully disagree with your position.
Still, the killing by the teenager is a tragedy, whether he shot them, bludgeoned them, or set them on fire, the problems had to be running deep.
Frustrated Writer, at
4:18 PM
I can't believe I'm publicly admitting this as I am afraid I will get my liberal license revoked ;) I actually am in favor of gun ownership. I would probably never own one- or at least wait until my boys are out of the house, but I recognize that as a personal preference.
I grew up with guns in the house. We were taught how to handle them and they were locked up in a gun closet with the bullets locked up somewhere else. I have considered taking some gun ownership classes and possibly going to a shooting range, but I just don't have time for one more hobby right now.
The reason I'm in favor of gun ownership, besides the second amendment, is my dad. He lives out in the woods with bears, rattle snakes, and mountain lions. He was sitting in his front yard one afternoon when a rattle snake came right up next to him. At that point I was very glad he owned a shotgun. I am in favor of regulating gun ownership by making people take safety courses and having background checks. If I thought it was regulatable, I would also be in favor of making people keep them locked up when minors are living in the house.
I think the real point to this little novel I just wrote is that I don't have a problem with guns if their owners are responsible.
Anonymous, at
9:07 AM
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