Texas me and you*

This is why I love West Texas...the weather.
I remember back in college I went to see Jeremiah Johnson. Some of you may not remember this movie but it all takes place in the snow. When I went in the movie a dust storm was brewing and it was like so hot. I came out of that movie and it was snowing! I remember it being this surreal moment to spend 2 hours in the snow in a movie only to walk outside to unexpected snow. I couldn't believe it. I had moved here from Alabama and had no idea the weather could change that quickly.
I get so excited with weather change and I really don't know why. Its just this amazing power that can't be stopped. (sounds a bit Zen huh) As a matter of fact weather change reminds me first of all I am not in control and second there is something so much more powerful than me that's in charge.
It just puts a smile on my face and I can't seem to wipe it off the rest of the day!
Yesterday it was 76 degrees and right now its 25 degrees and snow!!
and..did I mention school is cancelled and I am off today?...
From "Texas Me and You" by Asleep At The Wheel
11 comment(s):
you are a little flakee , get it flakee, liking the weather change and snow and all.
Clint, at
9:13 AM
Clint's a little flaky ;-)
I've been praying for a snow day here in Hawaii, but nothing yet. Now back to my prayers.
Scott, at
9:27 AM
thanks scott but the second "e" is silent leaving the first "e" to stand alone therefore sounding like a "y" yet not being quit as precocious ;-) _
Clint, at
9:32 AM
Julia was born in Abilene on Jan. 19 during a record-high day of 84-degree weather. Three days later we drove her home in a snowstorm.
Deana Nall, at
10:23 AM
clint..yeah I get it that's pretty funny..in fact..I am going to come back and read your comment when I need a good laugh today..get it..
scott...i know he is cause it takes one to know one..and umm..its never going to snow in Hawaii..just a heads up..
clint..you said precocious..have you been learning some new words down in SA?
deana..oh my word..that's crazy!
Beverly, at
11:18 AM
Clint, if you have to EXPLAIN your jokes, you clearly think we're much simpler than we are...
Anonymous, at
3:45 PM
The only place I lived where we had snow days was in Vancouver, WA and we didn't have that many, but I loved them.
give it up!
Vonnie, at
5:28 PM
blondie, your name says it all
Clint, at
5:49 PM
That cuts deep, Clint...that cuts deep
Anonymous, at
7:11 PM
Jeremiah Johnson went up to the mountains...Robert Redford's second best movie after the Kid.... Snow is so cool...get it Clint....Cool...Ha ha.
happytheman, at
8:06 PM
i get it Luke
Clint, at
6:52 AM
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