Monday, March 12, 2007

You carry a pen and a paper and no time and no words you waste*

So...I just got a new book to get me going. Its called The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.

My question is this....Are you the kind of person who reads the Introduction or Preface to a book or are you the kind of person who skips it and gets to the meat of the matter?

It is torturous for me to read the Preface or the Introduction. I don't know why?..maybe I read a bad one once and it just seems futile. I do, on the other hand, love to watch the previews when I go see a movie.

*From "The Book" by Sheryl Crow

7 comment(s):

I confess I'm a skimmer... unless it's really gripping reading! No patience!

By Blogger gracie, at 7:06 PM  

I almost always read the preface. Not usually the part where the author thanks everyone (is that the preface or does it have a different name?), but if there is an introduction to the book, I read that.

By Blogger reJoyce, at 8:27 PM  

Hi, I found you via gracie.

I always read the introduction because it sometimes is really, really good! I used to skip it until I realized there was a purpose for it. The preface - ehhh I skip that.

Great question!

Here is my "real" blog, I can't sign in with it here:

By Blogger Bar L., at 10:25 AM  

gracie..thanks for the too.. how did i know this already..*wink*

layla...welcome!! okay..maybe I will give the intro another chance!

By Blogger Beverly, at 10:50 AM  

I never read the preface, the introduction, the dedication or the table of contents BEFORE I read a book. Many times though, when a good book has really spoken to me and I don't want it to end I go back and read all of the above! Oh, and by the way.. sometimes I do say "cool".

By Blogger Mrs. Goodneedle, at 11:56 AM  

mrs. goodneedle..I think that's "cool." hahaha

By Blogger Beverly, at 12:03 PM  

I am sorry---I read all of those but I will stop if you want me to?

(I feel like such a dork)


By Blogger Neva, at 2:22 PM  

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