I read something written by Landon Saunders today and thought I would share it with you.
A critical part of winning is learning to laugh. It takes a long time to learn to laugh – some people say it can take as long as forty years. I know I've laughed a lot more since I've turned forty!
I've read that, in some Zen monasteries, the novices are trained in laughing. When they first get out of bed in the morning, they have to stand up immediately, get in this clownish stance, and then laugh as loud and as hard as they can laugh – at themselves.
As I read that, I thought, "I don't think I've ever done that." As I thought about it, I couldn't remember whether I had ever laughed immediately upon awakening. I thought, "I'll try it."
Well, the first morning, I forgot! But the next morning I remembered it. And as soon as I woke up, I got up, got into the most ridiculous position possible, and laughed -just as loud and as deep as I could. It felt a little awkward and strange, but it sure woke me up. Afterwards, I walked lightly across the room; I felt lighter all day.
Do you ever imagine Jesus and the apostles sitting under an olive tree just busting a gut laughing? Sam started laughing during his prayer once and I stopped and laughed with him. I told him that God just had to be funny because we are made in His image and what is it that we want to do or make someone else do..laugh!
I wish you all laughter today. Just start laughing at the oddest places and see what people do.
10 comment(s):
Bev - I LOVE to laugh. In fact, I claim the gift of laughter. I'm sure there is such a thing - I have it! I think I got this from my dad. In my favorite picture of him, he's busting a gut, tears are rolling and he's reaching for his hankie to wipe his eyes. I wish I could remember what made him laugh so hard. In fact I think I'll post that picture today.
Candy, at
7:40 AM
I love to laugh too! In fact, one of my Texas friends that I miss the most is the one who made me laugh the hardest. Even when we were crying, we ended up laughing. I think God has a sense of humor. I think he loves to see us happy and shares our joy, as well as our sorrow. I think we forget that sometimes. I hope you have a good laugh at least once today!
Elizabeth C., at
7:43 AM
I think Christ HAD to be laughing when he spit in some dirt to heal the blind man. He was probably whispering to His disciples, "check this out, I'm gonna put some spit in his eye, and he's gonna THANK me for it."
Seriously, things don't have to be too serious ;-)
Scott, at
10:31 AM
Hey, Bev, do you think Jesus had a dog that followed him around? I mean, he HAD to have had a pet, because he was such a carer.
That said, he had to laugh, dog not not, because he had 12 disciples to tickle his funny bone on a daily basis. Imagine having some of that lot on your heels all the time! :)
(And yes, I finally posted something else.)
Deb, at
11:37 AM
I mean ... dog OR not ... HAHAHAHA!!
Deb, at
11:38 AM
Laughter is such a gift!! I love to be around people who love me and who I love to laugh really hard. My favorite kind of laughter is when an accidental snort just pops out! Thank you Father for ordaining laughter in our lives and in the life of your Body. Thank you for Beverly's gift of humor and the way she constantly makes life funny.
Lauren, at
12:56 PM
candy..I love to laugh with you and I love to make you laugh.
elizabeth..there are some friends where you just do the shoulder shake church laugh with.
scott..no kidding..have you seen I think its a luke video series and its just straight scripture but that Jesus is smiling and cracking up at the apostles..I love it!
deb...I don't think Jesus had a dog or surely they would have put that in the Bible..i know there are alot of "hello!" moments when you read what the apostles said at times..
Lauren...I have had a few laughs with you..fun.
Mr. Honeybee...I am happy to have you visit too...Breaking tension laughter is the best!
Beverly, at
5:20 PM
Ed! I am so glad you came to visit...I don't know where Landon is but his words kept me in the faith. I loved him and I could actually sit still and listen to him forever. I think he's up in the northeast doing like seminars for corporations. That is what I heard. I was fortunate to go on a campaign with him to the northeast a few years ago....
Beverly, at
7:53 AM
I know God has a sense of humor and I find a lot of joy in Jesus's journey.
Where did you find the Landon Saunders quote? I haven't seen or heard of him in years!
paul, at
5:29 PM
Paul, I got the quote from:
Landon Saunders..I love him..
Beverly, at
9:44 AM
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