Sam's been scanned..
My day began with going into Sam's room. I woke Sam up and he sat up,then immediately put his head in his hands groaning...I kept telling myself, "Don't cry, be strong." I went into the kitchen to the closest mirror, gave myself a short pep talk and then went back in. Sam begs for 10 more minutes of sleep and I oblige. I walk down the hall taking deep breaths.."I can do this." then.....the doorbell rang and my favorite prayer warrior steps in the door. She makes a beeline for Sam's room and said she knew she needed to come pray over Sam. We sat down on the bed, Sam smiles, Candy prays. After "amen" I felt peace and no more tears. Thank you, my friend. If you ever feel the urge to go pray over someone..don't hesitate. I can now vouch, from first hand experience, that it is a blessing.
Sam and I get in the car and one of Sam's favorite rock songs comes on. Part of the chorus is this guy screaming..NOTHING WRONG WITH ME...NOTHING WRONG WITH ME...NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. Well, we cranked that baby up. I told Sam that this was perfect. We was hilarious. I think I will love this song, now, forever.
Many told us stories of what a Bone Scan entailed...hours and hours..We arrived at the hospital and there waiting for us was a college youth intern from church. So precious. Into our second waiting room, they called Sam's name. I went in with him and the nurse sat Sam down and said, I kid you not, "I am about to inject you with radioactive tracer dye."..I felt like we were in a scene from 24.
So, she injected him, told him to go eat and come back in a couple of hours. We were so excited! We hightailed out of there. When we went back, the scan only took about 25 minutes. So, the experience was not as horrible as we had heard.
Now....the waiting....its in God's hands and I know He cares for Sam....
17 comment(s):
WOW! What a day.. and so much evidence of God in it! You have an awesome support team too.
More prayers... with a bit of praise!
gracie, at
5:47 PM
So glad it wasn't that bad. Still praying. What a blessing praying friends are!
Deana Nall, at
7:55 PM
Thanks so much for the update. My prayers are with you both. Despite the circumstances, I really loved hearing about this day--the love is so apparent.
Laurie, at
7:57 PM
*Singing* "What a friend we have in Candy..."
Seriously, that kinda got me right here (pointing to my chest). Friends that come over and pray with you before a big test - that's aaaaaaalllll RIGHT!
I'm offering prayers from the other time zone. Kinda trying a flanking move with God (while you're busy praying from Texas, I'm sneakin' up on Him from Hawaii)
Poor God needs a lot of patience to deal with me. ;-)
Scott, at
8:51 PM
BTW, I went to church with my mom last night because she asked me if I wanted to see this year's Easter production. I put a certain two people's names on the prayer request card and dropped it in the offering plate. You've got every prayer warrior I know praying for you and Sam ;)
Lucas, at
8:55 PM
Gracie..God was so in it!
Deana...such a blessing.
Laurie...God is love :)
Scott..thanks for watching our backs from the islands..
Blondie...when I read yours, I cried..I wish I could give you a big hug. I am touched, that was a very thoughtful thing to do...
Beverly, at
9:06 PM
bone scans are fast it is when they bring the cat into the room that it takes time. sounds like the both of you had a day off.
Clint, at
9:51 PM
My husband (who teaches kids Sam's age) asked if Sam has noticed any special powers since being injected... ???!!! Sam could now be SuperSam :)
gracie, at
12:26 AM
gracie...the special power that he got was he could get me to do anything for him all afternoon. He would say, "Mom, get me something to drink..I've got radioactive crap in me...Mom, get the controller for me, I've got radioactive crap in me..." I told him the radioactive crap excuse would only work for one day..:)
Beverly, at
3:08 AM
Radioactive Sam I Am!
Thank you Lord for yesterday, honor us with your presence and comfort today. Amen
happytheman, at
3:50 AM
happytheman...thanks, comfort sounds really good.
Sam had a green eggs and ham t-shirt, when he was little and on the back it said Sam I Am.
Beverly, at
4:18 AM
Chad..most definately..great.
Beverly, at
4:51 AM
one down two to go
Clint, at
8:38 AM
thanks appreciate prayers
Beverly, at
9:10 AM
i am aware of three major stresses in you life right now. one down two to go.
Clint, at
10:40 AM
clint...oh yeah,,,right..well i tell you what, I am going to concentrate on graduating and just give the other one to God..I just can't deal with that other one now..a promise was broken..and now one day at a time..
Beverly, at
11:31 AM are beautiful and came at a time that I needed..seriously, I needed for you to walk in at that minute..
Beverly, at
12:01 PM
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