How the heart approaches what it yearns*
I've just been thinking about hearts...that's all...
Do you think its a bad thing to have your heart broken....?
Many flowers open to the sun, but only one follows him constantly. Heart, be thou the sunflower, not only open to receive God's blessing, but constant in looking to Him.
- Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (Johann Paul Richter) (used ps. Jean Paul)
Pope John Paul II.....The worst prison would be a closed heart
Golda Meir......Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either.
*From "How the Heart Approaches What it Yearns" by Paul Simon
18 comment(s):
Funny you should mention the sunflowers. I was thinking that very same thing today - that I love how they follow the sun and that I would want to be a sunflower - open and following constantly. I love that.
About your question...I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing - but it's a very painful thing. I believe sometimes God uses pain to grow us up into who He intends for us to ultimately become. I know that's been the case for myself. Hearts break in many ways.
By Candy, at 7:05 PM
Hey, Bev, I've been meaning to let you know I think this this new look is great. But your picture is absolutely gorgeous -- you only get better with each year!
I am so proud of you and the way you have had to examine your heart during the events of this year. I live Pope John Paul's take, thanks for posting it.
Take care ... love ya!
By Deb, at 7:08 PM
Just re-read what I wrote. I meant to convey that I admire you for the ways you have examined your heart this year, and for so openly sharing with us some of the process you have experienced.
By Deb, at 7:11 PM
I think the only thing I fear is not being broken-hearted anymore. It's cynical indifference that scares me more than being hurt. Very helpful post - thanks!
By Scott, at 8:57 PM
Great point made, Scott!
By Deb, at 10:01 PM
candy..I loved that sunflower thing and keeping my eyes on Him..
deb..well..ok..thanks for the compliment but I don't know..oh my word...Its been a good place to just blurt..:)
scott...yes..I loved what you said.
.my friend name..but you know who you are..talked to me about broken make alot of sense clintman..
Blondie if you are reading this..I had all kinds of trouble with my I will try again tomorrow..
By Beverly, at 10:47 PM
I'm coming to this discussion a bit late, but thought I'd throw in my two cents (or maybe five cents with inflation).
I do not think it is a bad thing to have your heart broken. I think it is a vital part of growth. Hurts like crazy, tis true. But it needs to be experienced and grown through. It draws us closer to God.
I'm often bothered by the way the church approaches trials. It seems like it's just a rush to pray our way out of them. Not many know how to relate to someone undergoing heartbreak and just want them to get their act together and move on.
If we had no heartbreak here on earth, it'd be heaven. Then what would we have to long for?
By reJoyce, at 5:36 AM
Nah, don't erase 'em. That point needed repeating ;-)
By Scott, at 5:45 AM
joyce, I long for the day I no longer long for
By Clint, at 6:59 AM
well put clint. me too.
By Candy, at 7:47 AM
chad..good point..putting faith in God and not others..
joyce..I quick to put a bandaid on...
lynette..interesting..we have to feel pain to feel healing..
scott..yeah..i could listen to anything lynette says 3 times. :)
Clint and Candy..okay I know this Carolyn Arrends called speaks to this..
We are reaching for the future
We are reaching for the past
And no matter what we have we reach for more
We are desperate to discover
What is just beyond our grasp
But maybe that’s what heaven is for
clint..find this song please..
By Beverly, at 9:03 AM
Yep, I do in my case, cause it makes trying to love the second time so very difficult. I second guess every decision and talk myself out of good things. So I guess I have to repeat PJP2. The worst prison would be a closed heart.
By happytheman, at 3:43 PM
By Clint, at 4:26 PM
Thanks clint..aww..I love that song..
Happy..I am sorry.....
By Beverly, at 5:18 PM
not a bad thing. it's a ying and yang thing. winter and summer. black and white. you know.
By Shawna, at 7:15 PM
well..little plankton..a bible scholar and a philosopher all in one go girl!!!
By Beverly, at 8:44 PM
I love the Mier quote. Do you think one could subsitute "love" for "laugh"? If so, then the quote resembles a thought I often have.
By Laurie, at 11:49 AM
Umm.. I meant Meir. Sorry.
By Laurie, at 11:50 AM
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