Whatever happened to the Prayer of Jabez?

Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with what seems to be religious fads?
Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with the words written on the cover "How to Get God to Bless Your Life"?
Do I get God to bless my life? ...umm..I'm already overwhelmed by the blessings that I see in my life. And dang..isn't the fact that He dropped His son down on earth and watched Him die and the gift of grace I receive from that action enough for me?
I may be way off base but I am suspect of those in the religious arena who talk of seeking to be "blessed."
and ....does it only take me 40 days to have a purpose driven life..?
Please don't take this as cynisism, only wondering what you think?
Did they have religious books back in the first century so that they may understand God more? Sometimes they never even had letters from the apostles. They were in hiding and ate up moments, I'm sure, they were able to spend together. They didn't have the luxury of sitting in their big easy chair reading the latest amazing book on how God loves them. What more do we need?...I have a big black book that tells me of His love for me...Forgive me, I am just tired of hearing people tell me of the latest conference or the latest book or they have the latest what they think is the real truth and somehow think everyone should follow suit.
Don't get me wrong...I have read some wonderful books but I just wonder if that might just be a way that maybe satan can distract me from walking out my door and doing something. I have this picture in my mind of this person sitting in their chair reading a book on How to Feed the Hungry surrounded with food and a real man is lying at his feet starving to death.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25: 35, 36
23 comment(s):
I really enjoy reading, though the Prayer of Jabez made me really uncomfortable. It might as well have been called something along the lines of Getting God to Fulfill the American Dream in your Life. Yuk. The Purpose Driven Life is a pretty good book I think, but I am not very impressed with all hype that surrounds it.
It is certainly true that one should not let a book come between you and doing the things Jesus calls us to do here on earth. But, I do think if used correctly a book can help you to do a better job of showing God's love to the world. I tend to think of Christian books as extended sermons.
I'm not sure that just because they did not have Christian books in the first century that means we should not. They can certainly be a help that I believe we should not ignore just because they weren't used back then. I need all the help I can get to improve my understanding of scripture and my Christian walk. Books are a part of that, though I also do this by hearing sermons and talking to other Christians.
Interesting post. I'm always so enthused about books it's intriguing to think about the possible negative effects that might come from reading. Oh, and you've got me curious what books people are talking up.
reJoyce, at
6:09 AM
I pretty much hate all Christian lit. I do like Anne Lamott, but I don't think her stuff counts as "Christian" because she cusses in it. But that's one of the things I like about her writing. She's real.
Deana Nall, at
6:19 AM
rejoyce...I have no problem with what good these books do and I have been both edified and educated by them. My problem these last few months are those that only seem to keep their noses in these books when they have had some close to them with extreme needs and they have been silent. Just fries my chicken, if you know what I mean.
Deana..yep, I love real...I hate fake...
Beverly, at
7:18 AM
fries your chicken... HA!
while i have not (and probably won't) read prayer of jabez, the way most people i knew talked about it (who had read it) latched onto it in just the way that rejoyce commented here - getting God to fulfill the american dream in your life. it made me ill to listen to the way they thought it was the pathway to the 'stuff' and 'people' they wanted in their lives.
i have heard deeper assessments of the purpose driven life, although there is always this smidge of 'quick and complete fix' which, well, fries my chicken.
bev, what's your email address, if you don't mind?
laura g, at
8:51 AM
Ah, yes. I see. Well, that would fry my chicken, too. :-)
reJoyce, at
8:59 AM
laura G and rejoyce...all of a sudden I'm hungry for some fried chicken for lunch! :)...
Laura G...bnicemannAThotmail.com
Beverly, at
9:34 AM
I'm with Deana on this - I don't read any more religious lit than I have to. Which may sound funny - being a preacher and all - and I do find myself giving a book a quick read because many of my members are reading it. But I really eschew most of the whole "devotional" genre, at least for my own reading pleasure.
I DO have to read a lot of theological and textually-critical books, and I enjoy em.
But I see your point - it's not that there's anything necessarily unsavory about this kind of lit. It just sucks ROYAL when people seem to fall into this spiritual feedback loop where they ultimately view their reading as an act of righteousness, never acting on the things Jesus actually asked us to do.
Great post.
Scott, at
11:01 AM
I disliked the Prayer of Jabez (never did understand all that) and I never read the 40 Days of Purpose. It turns my stomach to think they got so much hype but I also think God can use absolutely anything or anyone to further HIS Kingdom, so I have tried not to judge them too harshly. I am "guilty" of attending ladies Bible studies but I justify that by the relationships I have formed there. I believe these mentoring relationships with these older women will help me in the not so distant future when I may be called on to mentor some young mother struggling to keep herself sane in her day-to-day world. I have learned an awful lot from these women about how to love and care for each other. Actually, now that I think of it, I have already used what I've learned. Isn't that cool? For me, it's not so much about the study as it is about the group and what is going on in their lives. I guess you could say I'm "eating up moments we are able to spend together". I don't think I'll apologize for that.
Candy, at
5:21 AM
oh! I forgot to mention that, amazingly enough, God has spoken volumes to me through these studies as well as through the people. It has certainly made my going out into the world more about Him and less about me.
Candy, at
5:54 AM
Beverly I could really get down on this post with my version of cyniscism. But I don't know if I'm up to it. What brings me closer to experiencing God may be different for you. In fact, its different for all of us. So while were at jabbing Jabez or Wilkerson, who made his prayer popular -- let's skewer Lacado and Cope, Nordeman, my favorite Jars of Clay and anyone else who makes a living trying to reveal God to the masses while cashing checks and feeding their face and reading in an easy chair their Bible, while others are truely in need of food, clothing, shelter and cash. How freaking outrageous. I know you didn't mean to say all religious writing is BS, or those writing or preaching or trying to find God in a book or a song are living BS lives, but my point is this: what brings me closer to experiencing God is different for me than it is for anyone else. I don't know why. Something about "I AM." Here, now. Not in the Prayer of Jabez book, but might be for someone, or even in the Bible. He's here. And if he wants you to go out your front door, or sit in your easy chair and write posts about Him. Then do it!! It's that simple. And I love that.
geoff, at
6:53 AM
Yup, we do tend to get caught up with the whole WWJD (what would Jabez do?) gimmicks and lose sight of doing what Christ intended... to serve a sick world. I can think of numerous titles to add to yours but you hit the nail on the head, gimmicks gum up God's goal.
Frustrated Writer, at
7:07 AM
Scott..right, I have nothing against this literature just exactly what you said when people hold it up as absolute truth..
Candy...Good grief..I have nothing against being with Godly people or reading this material..I'm glad that has been helpful to you and thats great that you used what you have learned.
Geoff..certainly not jabbing Jabez or anyone you mentioned..I think you might have missed the point in this post. Maybe my problem is with those who talk books and spirituality when say, these men, who know right now what Sam's going through yet they can't just take some time out from their busy reading and praying schedule to reach out to him. Its been quite the disillusioning experience to see these great men walk by him. Know what I mean?
And..I think Jesus showed us exactly how to experience God in a deeper way and that's by taking a towel off and washing feet..
thanks for stopping by..
Beverly, at
10:27 AM
Geoff..one more thing...remember that I included myself in this.
"Don't get me wrong...I have read some wonderful books but I just wonder if that might just be a way that maybe satan can distract me from walking out my door and doing something.
your comment has bothered me all day..maybe because I know you personally...
you mentioned "your version of cynisism.."..I said that I wasn't being cynical just wondering what everyone thought..
hmm..maybe some other issues here.
I love you, Geoff...
Beverly, at
11:59 AM
Scott, at
1:07 PM
Can I just say that some of these comments have made me REALLY angry today???
Scott, at
2:07 PM
If you're talking about moi? Ain't no readin' jabez or being driven to purpose over here. It's been a few weeks of tears punctuated with football as we cried and sat with our friends from Muleshoe who lost their 19-year-old son, a young man I had the privilege of naming Tyler. What a sweet, but brief life. In light of that -- all this is vanity. You're absolutely right, I got issues.
geoff, at
7:46 PM
Geoff...I'm so sorry for your loss. I love you.
Beverly, at
9:31 PM
It's funny to me that we expect to find purpose in 40 days when it took Moses 40 years. How many of us would be willing to wait that long. It remonds me of what Reverend Lovejoy told Homer Simpson, "Homer, it takes more than a few minutes to fix a marriage. It take a whole weekend!"
Unknown, at
9:41 PM
Can't stand the gospel of Jabez. Can't stand it.
Cole, at
11:27 AM
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PointMaker, at
8:38 PM
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PointMaker, at
8:42 PM
People are afraid that they may say or do the wrong thing so they say nothing and do nothing. THEN there are those who say the wrong thing but it doesn't matter if it hurts because they are the lip service people. The parrots who repeat what they have been told or what they have heard and spew it back without any thought. There are also those who really care about what is at the core of what is needed. Unfortunately they are rare. I think you should change the name of your blog to "The Walk in MY Shoes Then Respond" blog
PointMaker, at
8:44 PM
Good points. Te Prayer of Jabaz may ave beeen the ground work for The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This best-seller is now talking off in Christian bookstores. We can't do it and not only can't but are not meant to. We are given
God's Spirit. His Spirit delights in His law in the inward man Sin in
us is the spirit of self -sufficiency. Our job is to walk in the Spirit and die to flesh then oney then will we develop the mind of Christ.
Anonymous, at
1:09 AM
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