Its pretty obvious in the previous post that I offended at least a couple of people and that just breaks my heart. This blog is never intended to do that. Believe me, I want to walk as Jesus models for me to walk and any questions that I bring up here are those I ask myself...
Not sure what I want to do with all this.....
25 comment(s):
I'm getting over it - thanks.
Seriously - this is the rub of sharing our thoughts and such in such a forum.
I think I'd better not say anymore.
Scott, at
5:37 PM
Wow. The last comment I saw was Scott's first one. I got busy unpacking and did not check back again as I thought everyone was done commenting.
I know it's not easy, but I would not worry too much about people who disagree with what you say. If they say it kindly, it gives you an opportunity to defend your position or perhaps rethink it. If they get their panties in a wad, it's more their problem than yours.
It is so hard to communicate well when we are not in the same room. (And sometimes it's even hard then!)
I always enjoy seeing what you are thinking and hope you will not feel compelled to stop posting. If I write something disagreeing with what you are saying, I hope you will never think I intend anything more than friendly dialog.
reJoyce, at
6:05 PM
Beverly, sorry my comment bugged you. Your post struck my discontent chord as I read it juxtapositioned to your chat box. Talk of going to a christian singer's concert -- some christian commerce is obviously more acceptable than others by discrimnating consumers such as we! I guess I stirred up something unintentionally. What I really meant to say was, "Yeah I hate fads too."
geoff, at
7:27 PM
geoff...i love christian music ...i love christian books...please reread my have missed the point..i never brought in the monies at all..i just had a problem with those two books....i never spoke about the commerce...if people decide to write about Jesus its wonderful...please reread my blog..
Beverly, at
7:34 PM
That Geoff guy needs to shut the "F" up already.
Scott, at
8:03 PM
Geez, you guys. Satin is hard at work here, pitting Christian against Christian. Anyone see that???
Offending and allowing oneself to be offended is the work of the advisary. Recognise it for what it is, learn from it and move on.
Bev- You're beautiful. Tell satin to fuck off. You don't need him.
Shawna, at
8:24 PM
oh, and I love you Beverly!
Shawna, at
8:49 PM
Yeah, I'd like to chime in that nothing Beverly said "juxtapositioned" with anything she said in the chat box. I for one believe her previous post was very poingnant. She did not attack the authors for writing those works, nor did she attack people who enjoy them. She simply suggested that these books can be (and often are) a distraction from the real purpose of being a disciple.
Jeremy is right - many MANY people in Christianity these days numb themselves to the real work set before us by tapping their veins and shooting up with the latest fads of "church-speak." Just listen to the way Beverly was attacked for questioning the fads - do a reality check, folks - was it really as bad as the reaction of two commenters suggested it was? Or is it possible that some readers choose to defend themselves against these kinds of questions to keep from being convicted by them.
In the end, I think ReJoyce was right on when she said (at the earlier post) "...if used correctly a book can help you to do a better job of showing God's love to the world." If they become an end in and of themselves, however, then bigger problems are soon to emerge - problems that are not far too different from the way one Christian would attack another with no just cause.
Scott, at
9:06 PM
And btw, I need to preach against satin more often - silk is definitely more righteous (much love Krill).
Scott, at
9:08 PM
whatever Scott. I never said I could spell. ;)
Shawna, at
9:10 PM
Scott is SUCH a dork!
Shawna, at
9:13 PM
bev, your offensive nature “breaks your heart”. When did this start happening?
Geoff, don’t worry I will not tell anyone who you are.
Clint, at
4:29 AM
Wow...I just got caught up on this discussion. Bev, thanks for your willingness to tackle a tough question for Christians. We love you for're not afraid to ask the difficult ones, ya know?
For my own part, I'm sort of a recovering Christian-fad addict...I had all the WOW CDs, went to the youth rallies, etc. But since life has thrown a few tough things at me, I've realized that clinging to fads is not enough.
I agree with ReJoyce...sometimes "fad" books or music can be used by God, because He can use ANYTHING to show more of Himself to us, or to love people through us. But we must tread so, so carefully when we think we've "got it right."
Thanks Bev (and everyone) for your honesty. As always, you guys made me think.
Katie, at
6:37 AM
I am so naive - or something. I didn't get who was upset with who. I thought Bev's original post made good sense although I read both books and felt like I got something out of both of them. But I understand what she was saying and I agree. I think. I love Bev.
Vonnie, at
9:47 AM
I am so naive - or something. I didn't get who was upset with who. I thought Bev's original post made good sense although I read both books and felt like I got something out of both of them. But I understand what she was saying and I agree. I think. I love Bev.
Vonnie, at
9:48 AM
Sorry to have posted twice - blogger is acting strange
Vonnie, at
9:49 AM
heck my feeds don't work for a day and I miss all the fireworks. Must be the Holy Spirit protecting you all from me.. Wait maybe I will write a book about that. Wait not funny, wait what is funny, crap, you all have got me confused I better read a book, dang it where's my music that makes me feel better. That reminds me of a story...
happytheman, at
2:15 PM
Happy, that is so funny! :)
And, let me just say that I want Jeremy as my friend. I love no holds barred defense in the name of love.
Laurie, at
3:56 PM
Clint: thanks for not revealing my identity -- although some may suspect I'm your alter ego? I think I'm hanging up my typewriter keys, I haven't got the etiquette of commenting down. Although the dialoge was getting sorta tense and edgy -- was feeling close to real. On another note.. I thought I was ready to let go of my word for last year,"WHOA" and trade it in for the word "Courage" Pray for me "Lord grant Geoff the courage to Whoa." Thanks.
geoff, at
6:55 PM
I can't take it anymore. I have to chime in here one last time just to say that I'm the very proud wife of Geoff. He is the love of my life and there is no better, more loving, caring, generous man on the planet. He doesn't talk the talk, he walks the walk. Oftentimes I sit and wonder at how I got so blessed. I certainly didn't think I deserved him. I just got him. And I could not be more pleased.
I guess I don't get the whole deal here. Geoff is not lashing out at Beverly and neither did I. We both love Beverly very much. Everyone seems to think we were attacking her or something. Noone's panties are in a wad here at our house. Beverly asked a question and we simply, honestly answered it. For that we're bombarded with accusations and threats (jeremy) In fact, to quote Jeremy, "We do not need to get angry or resentful or pissy that one Christian sees their journey one way if that way is not ours." This is exactly what Geoff was pointing out in his comment on the last post. So, what is going on here? Anybody care to explain?
Candy, at
4:55 AM
Dear Candy, I will respond...
I haven't had my "panties in a wad" at my house either but I sure have cried alot about all this...I'm sure everyone would have a great defense for everything they have said.
I was praying about it on my way to work this morning and really all I could hear was love.
The danger in typing words, as we have all acknowledged before, is that we don't see the person and sometimes we miss points when we are looking only through our eyes and not into the one who is saying them..
Every person who has commented here is dear to my heart..We are all a group of people with diverse personalities and diverse beliefs but I believe what has brought us all together is Love..
I ask anyone who I have offended to please forgive me...please...
The thing I absolutely love about our God is that He gave everything He had and sacrificed it so that you and I could start out with a clean slate everyday.
I love you I love you I love you
clean slate....
Beverly, at
6:02 AM
It's a miracle - my word really is Courage. Thank you all for your help in revealing it. It truly is a God experience for me. Candy, God blesses me through you. I have learned some "Real Christian" stuff in the last couple of days. Thanks Jeremy for showing me what real is: it's exclusive to your inner circle and I'm surely not smart enough or wordy enough for entry. I do know that Sam's Dad is no more a looser than you or me. Have you ever lost your way? I have. And Scott, really did I attack Beverly or is there something else I'm missing. Plankton, thanks for showing me the language of love. And Beverly in the spirit of your original Post -- whatever gets you on the path to healing, read it, go to the conference, or my favorite get in an easy chair with a bowl of fruit loops and Joel Osteen's best seller "Your Best Life Now" Giddy up -- courage.
geoff, at
6:57 AM
Candy and Geoff, I want to apologize if my comment was inapproriate--I believe it was. Happy's words made me laugh, but I forgot for a moment that there were three people for whom this was most likely not a laughing matter. I saw Jeremy's comment as overreactive but, then again, the "come see ME" kind of fight was what I found so sweet about it. These thoughts were what I meant by my comment, but please accept my apologizes for not knowing when to stay out of things.
Beverly, I hope you are doing okay. I hate this kind of unnecessary conflict.
Laurie, at
8:08 AM
Thank you for the past two posts. I was able to read the viewpoints of many and am able to bolster my own beliefs. With out such a forum to outlet such beliefs, that would not have been the case.
Thanks Beverly!
Now: "Can't we all just get along?" :P
Flake, at
11:15 AM
There sure are a lot of people walking on this post:) Hope you're feeling better Beverly!
Anonymous, at
3:17 PM
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